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  • What is a CSA?
    CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Basically, it's a partnership between the farmers and their local community, where both participants share the benefits of local, sustainable food. You can also look at it as a subscription service for local veggies.
  • How Does a CSA Work?
    Members of the CSA sign up early in the spring to purchase a share of the farm's harvest. Over the growing season, CSA members receive a weekly or bi-weekly box of produce. Members receive 2 bags/crates with their name labeled to be kept in rotation. Veggies are delivered on thursday mornings, either to member's home or a drop-off location.
  • Why Should I Join a CSA?
    Joining a CSA has many benefits: Supporting a local family farm, knowing exactly where your food comes from, and being a part your local food system. You save money by cutting out middlemen and receiving more than you pay for. It's extremely convenient- produce delivered directly to you wiht flexible payment schedules. Get fresh, local veggies without ever leaving your home! You get to eat with the seasons, meaning your produce is always fresh, and you get to try new foods you might otherwise avoid.
  • What's In An Average Share?
    Every CSA box contains a veriety of veggies, usually somewhere between 6-10 different crops (sometimes more!). Weekly shares will receive at least $20 worth of produce each week, while bi-weekly members will receive at least $30 per box. We strive to provide a balanced mix of different crop types, but the season begins with fairly greens-heavy boxes, while summer and early fall shares tend to be heavier crops. Some staples will make appearances each weeks (lettuces), while others are only part-season or maybe 1-2 weeks. You can always check out our blog for past share photos.
  • Are You Certified Organic?
    Misfit Farm is not certified organic at the moment. However, every product used on the crops is OMRI listed, and we strive to be as sustainable as possible. Montaynna actually has a degree in sustainable agriculture. We will always be transparent in our growing practices.
  • How do I sign up?
    Visit our sign-up page HERE. Make sure you click to open the Membership Agreement at the very bottom of the form. After submitting, you will receive an invoice by email based upon your chosen payment plan.
  • What if I don't know how to cook one of my vegetables?
    As a member you will receive a weekly blog post every Thursday with recipes and tips relating to your share that week. We try to give a variety of recipes, as well as storage and washing tips.
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