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A Life Lesson

Y'all, do you ever just have one of those days when you're bound and determined to get something done even though it seems like the world is against you? Well, maybe not the world, but at least Mother Nature! I wasn't able to be at the farm yesterday due to a community event, so my sweet husband was kind enough to get some plastic in the ground for me before it rained last night. I have some zucchini pants that were threatening to take over the greenhouse if I didn't get them planted soon! The forecast says rain for the rest of the week so I knew they had to go in the ground TODAY. I took one step in that field and sucked my muck boot right off my foot, so I decided to just go full hillbilly and kick them both off. Mama didn't raise no quitter, and y'all know I grew up running around this farm barefoot anyway! When there's a job to be done, you just have to woman up and get it done no matter what.

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