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Announcement Regarding the 2024 CSA Season

Hello Misfits. This is an announcement I hoped I wouldn't have to make, but unfortunately I won't be proceeding with the CSA this year. I have thought long and hard about it, but I’ve overcommitted myself like I never have before, and it’s finally catching up with me.

On a personal note- it breaks my heart not to do it, but I realized I was dreading the season, and that’s alarming to me because it’s usually the one thing I love the most. I need to take the season to regroup and come back next year way better.

I will still be raising a few veggies just for the family, so if I have extra I'll be sure to let everyone know! I'll also be making blog posts throughout the season to keep everyone up-to-date with the goings-on. I still have eggs available- in fact I'm overrun with them at the moment!

I am incredibly thankful for each and every one of you who have supported our little farm venture thus far. I have been so touched by the responses from those members I've spoken to about the season cancellation, and I am just so grateful to have my family of Misfits.

The CSA will absolutely return next year, and we will be better than ever! In the meantime, be sure to visit your local farmer's markets, and holler at me if you'd like eggs! I hope everyone enjoys this lovely spring weather, and happy Earth Day! ❤

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