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CSA Week 1

Hello all! Happy first CSA delivery of the season! This week has lots of yummy greens and early season goodies. This will be our lightest week, as the first couple of weeks are very greens-heavy. Here's what you'll find in your box this week:

-Butterhead or red romaine lettuce





-Sage Plant

For our new members- I'm so glad you joined us this season! I will send these blog posts on Thursdays (usually by noon), and in case you miss the email, they are always available to access on the website under the "Blog" tab. I'll include your box contents, recipes, updates, farm photos and shenanigans. The produce bag you receive today is one of two with your name on them to be kept in rotation- I'll collect the previous week's bag when I drop the next week's delivery. If you have any questions or concerns, you can always reach me at, or by call/text on my cell: 502-648-7117.

And I'll say this many times throughout the season: Always wash your produce!! Most produce is either fully washed or put through an ice bath before it's packed for you, but it's always important to wash your veggies and fruits, no matter where they come from.


Roasted Kohlrabi with Parmesan


-Kohlrabi head

-1 tbsp olive oil

-1 tsp Kosher salt

-Pinch of cayenne

-2 tbsp grated Parmesan


-Peel kohlrabi and slice into 1/4" wedges.

-Toss with olive oil, salt, and cayenne.

-Place on a baking sheet and roast at 450 degrees for about 30 minutes. Stir the wedges once or twice for best results.

-Toss with parmesan and garnish with parsley if desired.


*I usually combine my kohlrabi wedges with potato wedges and cook all together.

*The leaves of kohlrabi can also be cooked just like any other green suitable for cooking.


Tatsoi Stir-Fry


-1 head tatsoi

-1 clove crushed garlic

-1 tsp sesame oil

-2 tsp. soy sauce

-2 tsp grated ginger


-Wash tatsoi and trim stalks from the bottom.

-Bring a large pot of water to a rapid boil, then add greens. Remove promptly and then rinse under cold water to blanch them.

-Heat oil in a pan over medium heat and add garlic. Stir for about a minute, then add ginger and cook for about another minute.

-Add greens and stir for a few minutes until cooked through.

-Add soy sauce to taste and remove from heat.


That's all for this week. Stay tuned next week for our fist Bi-Weekly delivery of the season. Have a great long weekend, and don't forget to wash your produce!

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