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CSA Week 1

Happy Spring, Misfit Members! Today is the first delivery for our weekly members. Our bi-weekly folks will begin next week.

Here's what's ripe for the pickin' this week:




-Salad Greens

-Baby Squash

-Romaine and Lollo Lettuce

-Basil & Dill

I was also able to procure a few of the first tomatoes of the season from another producer down the road that had a few extra.

It's a greens, greens, and more greens week!


Lemon Garlic Kale


  • 3-4 cups kale

  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice

  • 2 Tbsp olive oil

  • 1 tsp minced garlic

  • Salt & pepper to taste

  • ½ cup croutons

  • ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese


  • Wash, dry, and remove leaves from stem.

  • Finely chop kale leaves and add to a large bowl.

  • Whisk together dressing ingredients and drizzle a bit onto the kale.

  • Massage dressing into kale leaves until the leaves darken in color and become tender.

  • Toss with remaining dressing and top with parm.

  • For a bit of crunch in every bite, crush the croutons into smaller pieces and mix thoroughly into the salad.


This spring has definitely been a busy one at Misfit Farm. I've hired 100 new employees, which have been taking up residence in my basement for the last three weeks. They moved to their new quarters at the farm last weekend, to their freshly refurbished brooder house. (In case you haven't caught on, the new hires are baby chicks). They will live there until late summer, then they will join the flock and start working for room and board. I almost wasn't able to find any this year, due to avian influenza wiping out a good portion of the breed stock at all the hatcheries on this side of the country. I was finally able to get these ladies from Mt. Healthy Hatchery in Ohio. I purchased what they had available- Black Australorp, Brown Leghorn, New Hampshire, and Columbian Rock. The brown leghorns will lay white eggs, but hey, they will still taste just as good!

We also have another new Misfit resident, a mate for my goose Marie. Marie and Toulouse were my pair of American Buff geese that I have had since I was 16, they were a mated pair and were just pets, but they lived with my chickens. A couple winters ago, we lost Toulouse when he got caught in the automatic chicken door. I have since replaced that door with one that has a sensor so that never happens again. Marie was devastated (as was I) and grieved for a long time. She had taken up with Luna, our guard dog, after we moved to Drennon in 2021. She never leaves her alone unless Luna goes into her condo in the barn where Marie doesn't have access to. I knew it was time to find her a mate, but I was hesitant with Avian influenza still going around. As fate would have it, a trusted farm neighbor, the Fauls, had a goose who had lost his mate a few weeks ago, and needed a friend. So, they gave me this pretty boy, who I named Thomas. (Named after Thomas O'Malley, the Alley Cat. Toulouse and Marie got their names from the movie the Aristocats so I thought that was appropriate.) They took a while to warm up to each other, but they are getting along very well and will hopefully continue to grow closer to each other.

I believe that's all the farm updates I'll give for this week. Stay tuned next week for more updates, and for our first Bi-Weekly deliveries! Have a great week and don't forget to wash your produce!!

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