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CSA Week 11

Happy Friday, Misfits! Sorry this is a day late, it's been one of those weeks. Here's what's ripe this week:

-Tomatoes: Slicers, Roma, Cherry

-Peppers: Bell, Chili, Banana, Ancho, Jalapeno

-Sweet Corn

-Potatoes: Red Pontiac, Yukon Gold

-Squash: Patty Pan. Yellow, Zucchino



I thought I would show off the pretty rainbow of tomato colors we have this year. Everything from the "Black Beauty," which is truly so purple it's almost black, to the bright yellow cherry pear tomatoes.


Grilled Summer Salad


-2-3 Ears fresh corn, shucked

-2-3 large tomatoes, cut into bite sized pieces

-1/3 Cup sliced green onions

-1/4 Cup lemon juice

-1/4 Cup olive oil

-1/2 Cup crumbled feta cheese

-Salt & pepper to taste


-Grill ears of corn until slightly charred. Cut off the cob into a large bowl and allow to cool to room temp.

-Add all other ingredients to bowl. Adjust cheese amount as desired. Serve immediately, or chill first, depending on your personal preference.


I need to introduce all of you to one of the Misfits that resides at Misfit Farm. This punk is Neo, a Muscovy duck. He's been with me for something like 7 or 8 years now, and is one of the strangest birds I've ever known. He was raised by my good friend Kaycee, whom I went to high school with, and lived with for three years when we were at UK together. Somewhere along the way, this duck developed more of the attitude of a dog than a duck.

He's also strange in that he sleeps on the roost with the chickens, rather than on the ground with the geese. Wild Muscovy ducks are indeed tree dwellers, so this isn't out of the ordinary for them. But this is the first waterfowl I've ever had that does this and it still surprises me for some reason every time I see him do it.

I always call him a menace, because he likes to pick fights with the roosters and chase the chickens away from a spot he wants to dust bathe in or a discarded tomato he wants to eat. He even tries to pick fights with the geese, even though they outweigh him by several pounds. Nevertheless, he's a tail-wagging, weird voice-having Misfit and he's part of the farm family!

I believe that's all I have for you this week. Have a great one and don't forget to wash your produce!

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