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CSA Week 13

Happy Thursday, Misfit Members! Here's what's in the box this week:

-Tomatoes: -Red slicer, Orange Jubilee, Carbon


-Chocolate cherry and Sun Gold Cherry

-Peppers: Bell, Banana, Poblano, Jalapeno, Gypsy, Habanero

-Sweet Corn

-Squash: Delicata, Patty Pan, and/or Yellow Squash

-Carrots and/or Baby Beets

-New Potatoes

The heat wave over the last few days was pretty brutal on the plants. The green beans are definitely done for the season, and the eggplant and patty pan squash are on their way out as well. The tomato plants and pepper plants were very stressed, but I think most will bounce back as long as we don't have any more days with the heat index in the triple digits for a little while. We are also on the last planting of corn, so next week may be the last week for corn.

I usually don't grow potatoes for the CSA, for several reasons, but the main one being that I just didn't have the space. Now that I have more room, I gave it a try this year and ended up with these lovely little new potatoes. Next year I'll do it a little differently, and hopefully end up with full-sized taters! Most of farming new crops is really just trial and error, so now I know what worked and didn't work and can make notes for next year. I also wasn't sure if we would have any carrots, due to the soil content where I planted them, but they came out just fine! There are still lots that have a little growing left to do, so you can look to see those in your baskets again in the coming week or two. The sweet potato vines are starting to yellow just a bit at the tips, so it won't be long before we will have those too!


Elote (Mexican Street Corn)


-4 ears of sweet corn, shucked

-1/3 cup sour cream

-1/3 cup mayo

-1 tbsp garlic powder

-Zest of one lime

-1/2 tsp chili powder

-1/2 tp paprika

-3/4 cup cotija cheese

-Chopped cilantro (optional but highly recommended)


-Grill the corn over high heat, turning regularly- about 25 minutes.

-Mix together the crema dressing ingredients (sour cream, mayo, spices, zest) in a small bowl.

-Remove the corn from the heat and brush with the crema dressing. Coat with the cheese, them sprinkle with cilantro and a little lime juice over the top.

*The lime juice may be a little much, unless you just really like lime in your Mexican food. The zest is plenty for us!


Have a great week everyone, and don't forget to wash your produce!

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