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CSA Week 13

Howdy, Misfit Members! Here's what's ripe this week:

-Tomatoes: Slicer, Roma, Cherry

-Peppers: Bell, Banana, Jalapeno, Ancho-poblano, Chili, jalapeno, Habanero

-Squash: Zucchinio, Yellow squash, Patty pan

-Sweet Corn


-Potatoes: Red Pontiac, Yukon Gold, Kennebec



-Green Beans

If you're looking for something to do this evening, come to the Henry Co. Library until 9pm for the Friday Night Farmers Market!


Popping Popcorn on the Stove:

  1. Heat 3 tbsp of coconut or olive oil on the stove in a thick-bottomed saucepan on med-high heat.

  2. To bring the oil to the correct temperature, put 2 or 3 kernels in the pan to wait for them to pop. When they pop, add the rest of the kernels in an even layer.

  3. Remove from heat, cover, and wait about 30 seconds. Return to heat and gently shake the pan once the kernels start popping. Keep the lid ajar to let the steam escape while popping.

  4. Once the popping slows, remove from heat and pour into a large bowl. Add salt or toppings of your choice.


Not much to report on this week, that's about it!! Hope everyone has a great week and don't forget to wash your veggies!

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