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CSA Week 14

Howdy, howdy, Misfit Members! Hope you all are enjoying this break from the extreme heat as much as the farm is! Here's what's in the box this week:

-Tomatoes: -Red slicers, Orange Jubileee, Carbon

-Roma & Cherry Tomatoes

-Peppers: Bell, Banana, Gypsy, Poblano, Habanero, Jalapeno

-Delicata Squash

-New Potatoes (Yukon Gold)

-Sweet Corn

-Carrots (bi-weekly only)

Just a heads up about the sweet corn: Some ears may be a bit dry. I didn't want to peel each one back and check it because that would cause them to dry out faster. If a lot of yours are very dry, let me know and I'll beef up your next basket a bit! The last planting dried out so fast due to the heat, but I think I got most of it harvested in time. I've checked and eaten several ears throughout the last week just to make sure, and they've all been good.


Roasted Corn & Tomato Soup


-6 ears corn, shucked

-1/2 cup half-and-half

-1 lb tomatoes, cored and quartered

-1 red onion, chopped

-4 garlic cloves, crushed

-2 tsp olive oil

-2 bell peppers

-2 1/2 cups chicken broth

-1/2 tsp chili powder

-1/4 tsp smoked paprika

-1/4 tsp chipotle chili powder

-1 tsp salt

-Extra-virgin olive oil for drizzling


-Preheat oven to 375. Cut kernels from corn and spread on a foil-lined baking sheet.

-Hold cobs over a bowl and with a butter knife scrape the pulp from the cob. Either pour through a fine sieve or squeeze in a clean dish towel. Set the juice aside and discard the pulp. (I know it seems weird but trust me)

-Add enough half-and-half to the corn juice to make about a cup of liquid. Set aside.

-Spread the tomatoes, onion, and garlic onto the baking sheet with the corn. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt & pepper. Bake for 25 minutes. Once the tomatoes are caramelized, peel the skins and discard. Transfer the veggies to a Dutch oven.

-Cut peppers in half, place on baking sheet with skin sides up. Broil in the oven for 10 minutes or until slightly blackened. Let stand 10 minutes, then peel the skins and discard. Place in the Dutch oven.

-Add chicken broth to Dutch oven and bring to a boil over high heat Reduce to medium-high and cook until veggies are tender. Stir in seasonings.

-Using an immersion bender, blend until smooth.*

*If you don't have an immersion blender, you can use a food processor or regular blender, but for the love of everything don't do it while it's piping hot! It will blow the lid off and then you'll have to repaint your ceiling. I know from experience!!


If you're wondering why your peppers have been a little on the smaller side lately, this is why. These pepper plants are so heavy they are falling over! Just look at these poor things, falling out in the aisle! I tried to unburden them as best I could while still leaving plenty to grow. I'll be staking the ones in the high tunnel up this weekend to help them out a little bit. The banana and poblano peppers are the tallest and most productive- as you can see in the photo below, you can see dozens of banana peppers just on the one plant I'm holding up!

That's all for this week! Have a great week and remember to wash your veggies!

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