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CSA Week 16

Happy Thursday, Misfit Members! We're on the home stretch of our CSA season- just two more weeks to go! Things are winding down in the field, but for now let's see what's ripe this week:

-Tomatoes: Slicers, Roma, Cherry/Grape

-Peppers: Bell, Banana, Chili, Anaheim Chili, Jalapeno, Habanero


-Sweet Potatoes

-Sweet Corn



-Green Beans

-Yardlong Beans

I have been trying to get these cool tomatoes to produce anything literally all season. They are Orange Accordion tomatoes, from Baker Creek Seeds. I have had about 12 plants in the high tunnel that have been just plagued with blossom end rot all season. I've been absolutely drowning them with calcium but it's been to no avail.. until this week! Everyone that requested tomatoes should have received one of these. They aren't quite as "ruffly" as I expected them to be, but that's okay! I like to grow a couple weird varieties each year, which this year were this one and the Black Beauty tomatoes that are so dark purple they are almost black.


Honey Butter Skillet Corn


-2 tablespoons butter

-2 tablespoons honey

-2 cups corn kernels

-2 ounces cream cheese

-Salt & pepper to taste


-In a skillet, over medium-high heat, melt the butter and honey. Once melted add the corn and cook for 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until cooked through.

-Add cream cheese (cut into small pieces), salt, and pepper. Stir together and let it cook, about 3-5 minutes, while stirring occasionally.

-Serve warm. Leftovers keep well in the fridge.


I was shocked as I headed out to harvest early Tuesday morning, only to find that our green beans had been stolen away in the night! It seems a deer (or a few) decided our bean plants would make a pretty decent salad bar and ate nearly all the beans and leaves off of the plants. They spared a few plants, so a couple members received some beans. Just look at these poor things- nothing but stems! I even found some places where they ate the entire plants, stems and all. Next year if I have beans this late in the season, I will have to put some row cover over them or electric fence around them. Lesson learned!!

I believe that's all for this week, y'all. Have a great week and don't forget to wash your produce!!

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