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CSA Week 8

Happy Thursday, Misfit Members! Here's what's in your basket this week:

-Grape, yellow pear, tigerella tomatoes

-Sun Gold cherry tomatoes

-Assorted slicer tomatoes

-Green and purple Bell peppers

-Assorted peppers- poblano, mini bells, yellow was, jalapeno, poblano)

-Patty Pan squash


-Sweet Corn

-Green beans or snap peas

You also may see okra, zucchini, yellow squash, or eggplant depending on your substitutions.

Since this corn is the first-picked ears, it's probably best cooked with something else or fried up like the recipe below. The kernels are just a bit on the small side and are just a tad less sweet than they will be next week.


Bacon Fried Corn


  • 3 slices bacon, diced

  • 1/4 cup onion, diced

  • 2 cups corn kernels

  • 1 tbsp sugar

  • salt and pepper to taste

  • 2 tbsp chives, sliced (optional)


  • Cook bacon in a large pan over medium high heat until browned and crisp.

  • Remove the bacon from the pan and set on a paper towel to drain.

  • Drain grease off pan until approximately 1 tbsp remains.

  • Add the onion to the bacon grease. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until translucent.

  • Add the corn, sugar, salt and pepper to the pan.

  • Cook for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until corn starts to caramelize and brown on the edges.

  • Stir the bacon back into the corn. Top with chives if desired and serve.


This may not be fascinating to anyone but me, but I wanted to show y'all something interesting. I actually didn't even notice it until Andrew pointed it out to me this week. We have two varieties of corn planted that are two different colors- a white variety and a yellow variety. I never thought about the silks being different colors, but they sure are! One of the varieties has green silks, and the other has red silks.

That's all for this week! Have a great week and don't forget to wash your produce!!

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