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CSA Week 9

Howdy, Misfit Members! Happy Thursday, and hottest day of the year! Hope y'all have access to a pool because it is hotter than a jalapeno out there. Here's what's in your box this week:

-Tomatoes: -Red slicers, Carbon & Black Krim


-Cherry: Sun Gold and Chocolate Cherry

-Peppers: -Sweet Gypsy




-Yardlong Beans


-Patty Pan Squash

-Sweet Corn

The corn is a bit on the small side, but I just couldn't resist! It's probably best fried or cooked with something else since it won't be quite as sweet yet. We'll be having a picking party this weekend because the largest planting of corn is on the verge of being ready. Unfortunately, the critters found their way to the first planting and ate at least half of the firsts ears, but we have traps out and have trapped a few raccoons. We haven't noticed any damage since trapping those few, but we're prepared just in case!


Bacon Fried Corn


  • 3 slices bacon, diced

  • 1/4 cup onion, diced

  • 2 cups corn kernels fresh or frozen (thawed)

  • 1 tbsp sugar

  • salt and pepper to taste

  • 2 tbsp chives, sliced (optional)


  • Cook bacon in a large pan over medium high heat until browned and crisp.

  • Remove the bacon from the pan and set on a paper towel to drain.

  • Drain grease off pan until approximately 1 tbsp remains.

  • Add the onion to the bacon grease. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until translucent.

  • Add the corn, sugar, salt and pepper to the pan.

  • Cook for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until corn starts to caramelize and brown on the edges.

  • Stir the bacon back into the corn. Top with chives if desired and serve.


If you're looking for something to do this Saturday, come see me set up at the Harvest Showcase at the Henry County Fairgrounds from 9am-3pm. I'll have my barn quilts, barn quilt Christmas ornaments, barn quilt jewelry, herbal bath products, and more! There's so much to do- farmer's market and local artisan booths, great local food and homemade ice cream, and tons of entertainment! There's an antique tractor pull in the afternoon if that's your thing, but there's also live music, a petting zoo, and games for the kiddos put on by the Henry County FFA. It's really a great time, and it's my favorite community event of the year!

I wanted to show you all the different varieties of tomatoes we have this season. The only ones not pictured are Brandywine, because they were put out later in the season and aren't quite ready yet. I also have a mystery row of tomatoes that were unlabeled that a friend gave me, but I suspect them to be Beefsteak.

I do have some bad Cauliflower news- I believe I put them out about 2 weeks too late this year, so it's looking like we won't have any this first half of the season. Which is a big bummer, because cauliflower is one of my favorites, both to grow and eat! I am, however, going to attempt to put some out for fall and see how it does. I have shade cloth that should help with the late summer heat, but I've never done cauliflower in the fall before, so we'll se how it goes!

That's all for this week! If you end up coming to the showcases on Saturday, make sure to find my booth and stop in to say hey!

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