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CSA Week 9

Happy Friday, Misfit Members! Sorry this is a little late, it's been one of those weeks! Here's what's ripe this week:

-Tomatoes: Slicer, Roma, Cherry

-Peppers: Bell, Banana, Chili, Jalapeno


-Sweet Corn

-Green Beans

-Squash: Zucchini, Yellow, Patty Pan

-Potatoes: Yukon Gold

I forgot to take a pic of the baskets again this week, so enjoy this cool drone photo of the tomatoes, peppers, and onions in the high tunnel.


Elote (Mexican Street Corn)

*Note: I'm making this as the off-the-cob version. You can also make this on the cob by grilling the ears of corn, then adding the dressing directly on the ear.


-4 cups fresh corn kernels

-2 Tbsp butter

-2 Tbsp minced garlic

-1/3 Cup mayo

-1 Tsp chili powder

-1/2 Cup cotija cheese

-1 Tbsp lime juice (or less, depending on taste)

-2 Tbsp cilantro, chopped (optional)


-Melt butter in a large skillet over med-high heat. Add corn and cook, stirring occasionally, until cooked through and slightly charred (about 10 mins). Add the garlic when almost finished, about 8 minutes in.

-Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly. Stir in mayo, chili powder, cheese, lime juice, and cilantro. Add salt to taste.


Have 'all ever heard of corn smut? No, it's not a dirty book your mom might read about a corn farmer. Its caused from a fungus called Ustilago maydis, which turns each kernel into this crazy looking blue/black blob. I usually have a few ears with it every season, but thankfully that's the extent of it.

The weirdest thing, though, is that it's considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, specifically in central and south America. Those who indulge in this fungus-y corn say it tastes delicious, like black truffles. Which is no surprise, since the fungus is actually a distant relative of mushrooms. In Mexico, it's called huitlacoche, and is used in tacos, soups, and quesadillas.

If any of you Misfits are feeling adventurous, I'd be glad to pick one or two for you to try, but I sure haven't been brave enough yet!

I believe that's all for this week. Have a great week and don't forget to wash your veggies!!

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